Tag: management

Lessons I’ve learned from leaders…

Tim, Sheryl, Omid, Alexandre, Sukhinder, Daniel, Gonzalo, Kate, Kate, Margo, Susan, Larry, Sergey, Eric, O, Anthony, Johnny, Stanley, Richard, Stacy, Anish… I’ve had the privilege of working with and observing closely some of the most successful corporate leaders of our time. Here are three things they all have in common: Humility. So many were unafraid…

I need to be called upon to speak.

Said one experienced, accomplished Asian female professional. I almost broke down in tears. I don’t often get muffled by the distorted self-stories that my coaching clients tell themselves (it’s my job to help them reframe) but this one hit a nerve.  What happened in the socialization, upbringing, acculturation, indoctrination, brainwashing of this young woman that…


Run, don’t walk if your Manager or Leader says the following: You should have known. You know what happens when you assume. Leaders and Managers have a responsibility to communicate expectations clearly. Clearly. Over and over and over. Mind-reading is not a success formula for anyone. Managers Instead Ask: What is your understanding of the…